Dental Technician examining a medical model of human mouth and teeth

Finish your diploma, get a jump on college and career, plus maybe a $10,000 raise!

In addition to your personal goals and your family’s pride, why is a high school diploma so valuable? Well, it’s a fact — the more you learn, the more you earn! The financial and career benefits is why we offer high school diplomas for ages 18-25.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, adults ages 25 and over with a high school diploma could earn nearly $10,000 more annually than those without this achievement.

If you enroll now, you can put in the work once, and enjoy the payoff again and again. In its short history, the CCPA has already graduated nearly 1,000 students ages 18-25. Think about almost 1,000 grad caps flying in the air! You could be next to finish your diploma.

Your diploma opens new doors and options for you — community colleges like Santiago Canyon College and Santa Ana College, high-paying careers like Auto Tech, Construction Trades, Dental Tech & Nursing, and more, plus four-year colleges and universities. It’s never too late to MOVE FORWARD!

The CCPA is enrolling all year long for independent study you can pursue anytime, anywhere. Let us show you how.

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