Career growth by planting trees with the Orange County Conservation Corps

The College and Career Preparatory Academy (CCPA) partners with the Orange County Conservation Corps (OCCC) to help students and young adults kickstart their careers and support the community. A recent success was the Tree Planting Project in the City of Santa Ana.

The Orange County job opportunities and workforce experience has been valuable for local young adults, including Izahir SanchezWatch his video as Izahir talks about learning career and work skills, and possibilities through education. The OCCC partners with Santa Ana College, the College and Career Preparatory Academy and more.

Thanks to the support of partners like the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) and the City of Santa Ana, the Tree Planting Project includes a goal to plan an additional 39 native tree throughout the city to provide shade to aid heat reduction, help reduce greenhouse emissions, and add to the beautification of the community.

Like Izahir, even elected officials picked up a shovel to help the cause, including Rep. Lou Correa, Senator Tom Umberg, Assembly Member Tom Daly, OC Supervisor Katrina Foley and Mayor Vicente Sarmiento.

Ages 18-25, are you interested in job openings and new careers in Orange County, and want to achieve your goals with the help of education? Start with the CCPA today!

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